Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I get some large pimples before I start my cycle. Anyone know why and how to stop it?

I have the same problem. You get them because of the hormones in your body. I've found that if I use a facial wash that contains salicylic acid, the problem is greatly reduced.I get some large pimples before I start my cycle. Anyone know why and how to stop it?
yeap.... you are not the only one... I get them to... My gynec recommended Iron pills.... seems to be working.I get some large pimples before I start my cycle. Anyone know why and how to stop it?
just keep taking care of your face...everyone is different and every person uses some other sort of cleansing method.. proactive like jessica simpson, baking soda like queen latifa.. st ives apricot scrub is nice... a facial peel every now and then... but really your estrogen levels make the pimples come... its part of getting your period... you will just have to live with it... its not a big deal... everyone has become much too vain... even movie stars get pimples... they also get free airbrush on every photo they have taken too...
it is just your hormones i get them to. just wash your face and maybe get a little acne medicine for when that time comes around.
The women in my family have the same problem. The only thing that worked for them was haveing kids. It's just part of your cycle, and you shouldn't mess with what's natural for you. (By the way I'm 26 years old and still break out like I did in my teens, so I understand what you're going through!)
It's all hormonal, I get them, too. Especially if I've had a lot of caffeine that month. They go away within a couple of days. They are just ordinary pimples.

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