Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do i stop getting pimples on my face please suggest?

Visit your local GP, explain your problem and he will likely give you a prescription for some acne cream and doxycyline capsules, this will clear up your acne within a few months.

Edit: spots do not appear because someone is eating junk food, it is also not because they are unhygenic, so the people above are wrong, its simply hormones.How do i stop getting pimples on my face please suggest?
Aloe Vera

Soothe acne flare-ups with aloe vera. The enzyme-rich gel found inside of aloe vera leaves contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Gently massage some fresh aloe vera gel onto the flare-ups. Leave it on your skin to give it a chance to reduce redness and kill bacteria. You can buy pure aloe vera gel from a health food store if you don鈥檛 have any plants. Some individuals also drink aloe vera juice to detoxify their digestive tracts. Cleansing the body also can help clear up acne.

Tea Tree Oil

Clear up acne with tea tree oil, which comes from the Melaleuca alternifoliais tree found in Australia. It has an antimicrobial agent called terpinen, which can help clear up acne caused by bacteria. Simply dip a cotton swab into pure tea tree oil. Gently dab it on acne spots. Use tea tree oil twice a day for best results. Tea tree oil is gentle on the skin, has no known side effects and typically leaves no scarring after the acne has healed.


Oatmeal treats acne by absorbing excess oil on your face and drawing out impurities from your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal according to instructions. Let it cool to a lukewarm temperature. Apply the oatmeal to your clean skin and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Rinse off the paste with cool water. Repeat this process twice a day for best results.

Lemon Juice

Clear up pimples with lemon juice. The acid in the juice attacks the bad bacteria that can cause acne. Squeeze a bit of juice out of a fresh lemon and dab it onto inflamed areas. Leave it on your skin so the juice can penetrate and fight the bacteria. Although considered to be a fairly mild acne treatment, individuals with sensitive skin should use lemon juice with caution because it might cause skin to become red and irritated.


A chamomile compress is yet another natural way to clear up acne. Make a strong cup of chamomile tea. Soak a soft, clean cloth in the solution and press it onto flare-ups. The herb will help reduce swelling and redness as well as soothe irritated skin. Chamomile tea also can reduce the risk of acne scars.


Use toothpaste by applying a small dab to affected areas before going to bed. Rinse off toothpaste the next morning. For best results, use an all-natural, paste-style toothpaste. Some of the gel toothpastes contain chemicals and dyes that can actually aggravate pimples.

Baking Soda

Buff your skin with baking soda. It鈥檚 is a gentle exfoliate that removes dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause acne to flare up. Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a fairly thick paste. Gently massage the paste into affected areas for about 15 seconds. Rinse the baking soda off and gently pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.How do i stop getting pimples on my face please suggest?
As a teenager, I had severe acne. After going to various doctors, I found a dermatologist who actually helped me.

The main reason we get acne is a bacteria that lives in our skin.

He started me on a topical antibiotic cream and an antibiotic capsule.

After a couple months, I was able to quit the capsules and maintain my skin with the cream.

I highly recommend seeing a dermatologist to get appropriate treatment.
wash your face
stop eating junk food

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