Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do u stop pimples from coming on your face especially your nose??????????????

pleas helpHow do u stop pimples from coming on your face especially your nose??????????????
healthy eating habits, drink plenty of water, and make sure you clean your face at least twice a day. Stay away from greasy or too much junk food. Proactive is the best to use for pimples and clear skin,How do u stop pimples from coming on your face especially your nose??????????????
You can't really help the nose situation, most people have blackheads on their nose, you can use blackhead removal strips, those actually work quite well.

If it's very serious, you should see a dermatologist. I used to have very bad skin, then I was put on doxycycline, and used azelaic acid cream for my face, and it cleared it right up!

If it's not that bad, then just use store bought products, and maybe get the ok to use proactiv, I've never tried it, but I hear it's very effective.

Wash your face at least twice a day, remove makeup properly, eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water, and take scalding hot showers. You know it's hot enough if your sweating a little bit. Saunas are also not a bad idea either.
wash your face with a neutral soap that doesn't have perfume in it, because that irritates the skin. you can use a salt based cream that will react with the pimples. NEVER pop your pimples unless you use a disinfectant (such as rubbing alcohol) but even then refrain from popping them because that just spreads acne and gives you acne scars.
You could put a chamomile mask or a mask of your choice on your skin type to clean out the pores.Then cleanse your face with a good cleanser (not soap)every morning ,and night along with a toner which between masks keeps the pores clean and open so nothing gets into the skin.remember your working with 3 layers of skin on your face.Basically the toner keeps pores clean.
Usually keeping your face clean with a mild cleanser will keep most pimples away when Proactive is not available. I have never used Proactive myself, but I have had many friends who have loved it. I used a cleanser with small scrubing texture balls in it, so it also exfoliates my skin. I use this nightly, but when when I do have a pimple I use a q-tip with a little rubbing alcohol on it to dry it out, making it go away faster. Hopefully this works for you!
junk food and greasy food have very little to do with acne. it's mostly hormonal, and your glands will produce the same amount of oil no matter what you eat. keeping your face very clean will help a lot, and stay away from any oily moisturizers and makeup. if it is a problem, proactive works really well.
hahahha.. that question needs to be rewritten. well, i use clean and clear. and unscented lotion on my face. see, if your face is too dry it will produce more oil, to keep it moisturized. so, wash with facial soap and use unscented lotion that main ingredients are water and glycerin and you should be okay.
I have to wash my face every morning and at night with Clearasil face wash and they have acne control wipes that i use after i wash my face. It works really good!!!!!!! Pimples are a pain!...try that and see if that works for you!! There is also some creme that will have with acne from many different brands of products for your face.
If you get them on your forehead make sure you wash out all hair product in the shower.

I'm not sure about the nose, I don't get them on my nose.

I suggest using some kind of pimple cream to get rid of them and keep them from coming back.

Don't touch your face either.

It depends on if u have long hair in your face. and u have to wash your face when wake up, after school, before bed. Try to keep ur hair outta your face cause that causes oil to the pores and clogs them...thats all i got so far Goodluck :)
Try keep your face clean, E.g wash it often, and if you do see a spot arising, DONT touch it, or the dirt in your hands (A surprising amount) could infect the spot, causing it to grow, and/or produce more.

Hope I helped!
Accutane. It reprograms your whole skin so you will never have to worry about a breakout EVER again. I had the worst acne that I have ever seen, and now my skin never sees a pimple. Ask your doctor!!! It's a miracle.
鈥ONT pop em!MORE will come out

鈥ut toothpaste[to dry em up]

鈥ash your face every day morning and night

鈥top touching your face so much

and proactive!
clean %26amp; clear works like magi. try this. it works miracles!!鈥?/a>

i use it all the time. its amazing!
just don't touch your face and use avon products designed for your skin or go to the body shop and use there products for it
keep your hands away from your face.

Wash your pillow case more often.

wash your face morning and evening.
Stop touching your face. Keep your hair off your face esp at night.

wash your face and i know it sounds weird but neosporin works sooo well try it you lose the pimples
make sure to wash your face as much as possible.

and don't forget that theirs products out there like proactive!
effoff is exactly right.
lol no i dont get ugly

i mean pimples
use neutrogen
just put a bandaid over it
keeping your face clean

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