Monday, April 26, 2010

Why do i get so many pimples how do i stop them?

try clearasil or neutrogina daily face scrubWhy do i get so many pimples how do i stop them?
wash your selfWhy do i get so many pimples how do i stop them?
Its depend on your age. If you are in growing age i.e if you are in your early teens. You can stop it by taking low fats food in your routine diet.
Change you diet and wash you body with a different soap. Try eitehr neutrogeana or cammay. Also, shower more.
I have an acne cure that has won me the best answer six times. Each time, the person said it worked great. I'll copy and paste it below.

Use a hot compress on it, and then use cool water to close the pores. Do the process over and over again, about five or six times. Use soap to wash the area, and then treat it with an alcohol soaked cotton ball. It should be gone within five to six hours.
bacteria and clogged pores use proactive
It could be that you have a hormone imbalance - if the pimples are really aggressive! If so see your doctor and get some steroids.

If not so extreme, then it is probably your diet or your need a better face scrub
I would assume that you've reached puberty, if this being the case, then the reason you're getting pimples is because of the growth of hair. That's the main change upon growing up, the growth of body hair. As a child your skin is smooth and elastistic. All of the sudden there's hair that grows against the smooth skin. It has a hard time coming through your skin and so it bends and curves in order to grow up and out. This is the source of your pimples, these growths are wrecking havoc on your skin. Some people have tighter skin than other people. So because of that, some people get more pimples than others. The best way to deal with this is to keep your face clean. There's really not a lot you can do should you get a pimple. Just remember, we ALL get pimples as we grow up, some more than others, don't let it get you down.
Wash ur face regularly, keep it oil free, dont touch them. I heard it happens bcoz of masturbating or bcoz of hairs being top of ur face all the time, dirt etc

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